“<XNDR> is pronounced <Xander>, because I am a pretentious artist”

-Alex Parry (Me)

Working with glass? Smashing.

After graduating with a degree in architecture, the stained glass industry is the logical career progression, right?

On completion of my BA in Architecture in 2016, I realised that I’d be far happier working with my hands in a creative field. Whilst dithering over exactly what to do next, I took up a few hobbies to keep myself busy; stonecarving, printmaking, woodworking, film photography, and of course stained glass - working with glass was the one that really stuck. Over the past five years, that hobby has transitioned into a passion, and now a vocation.

I’m driven by the joy and satisfaction of creating beautiful long-lasting works of art - it’s both strange and satisfying to know that, if it merits the care, my work could still be being enjoyed for years after I’m gone. Conversely, my less maturely introspective side also finds a great deal of pleasure in preserving traditionally more transient subjects, like memes, politics, and pop culture, in a medium usually reserved for objects of veneration.