
Do it yourself. Bring a friend.

Interested in an introduction to stained glass making? Join me in my studio in Bath for day and make your own simple suncatcher. I have a range of designs that I am confident anyone can complete in a single day, but if there is something specific that you would like to make I’m always happy to discuss it and see what we can do!

Course Overview

Join me in the studio for a day, either by yourself or with a friend, and learn how to make your own small piece to hang in your window and brighten up your day. The cost of the course includes all materials needed, as well as light refreshments, although you will have to provide your own lunch! We will cover basic health and safety when working with glass, glass selection, cutting and grinding glass, the copper foiling process, soldering, and finishing your piece. Courses usually run from 10am until 5pm, but if necessary will extend until your piece is completed.

One to one - £200

Two to one - £350